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Indie Smiths: fun, learning and value from open-source apps, games and related content

Help support the Indie Smiths project

Your support to the Indie Smiths project is crucial to ensure the maximum amount of time is dedicated to the apps and games published and maintained.

Mosaic of Indie Smiths projects screenshots


There are many ways to support the Indie Smiths project and its apps/games with donations:

Method Recurring One-time
Github sponsors
Pix (only available in Brazil)
Any amount is welcome and greatly appreciated.


Supporting us with a recurring donation gives you access to exclusive discord channels and voting rights on specific pools related to our apps/game projects.

Recurring donation options other than patreon are likely to apply a smaller fee in comparison. If you opt for a recurring donation other than patreon, talk to me on discord so I can set up your discord benefit.

Github sponsors and Ko-fi also offer recurring crowdfunding. Since such platforms are great for one time donations, expect to see links to them spread throughout Indie Smiths content in strategic non-disrupting spots.

More donation methods

If there is another method of your preference, please, contact us by email ( so that we can discuss it and maybe even make the method available here.

One-time donations via PIX (only in Brazil)

This option is only available in Brazil, which is why the rest of this subsection is in Brazilian Portuguese.

Para doar usando o PIX, basta apontar o app do seu banco para o QR code abaixo:

QR Code para doar para o projeto Indie Smiths via PIX

A doação será feita para minha conta no Banco do Brasil que está no meu nome, Kennedy Richard Silva Guerra. Qualquer quantia é bem-vinda.